Suzanne Ragan Lentz

luminary for emergence

February 12, 2016
by suzanne
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Spirit Babies

from the NYPL digital collections

Art and Picture Collection, The New York Public Library. A message of true love. Retrieved from

If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and live in a place remotely woo-woo, you may have come across the term or idea of Spirit Babies. Essentially, a spirit baby is the soul of your baby-to-be. Just like you have a soul, so does your baby. It is our energetic essence that exists prior to and after life.

You may have felt the essence of a loved one who has passed. Connecting with a spirit baby is very similar. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, not to worry, there is an exercise at the bottom of this article to walk you through step by step.*

Just know that you are intuitive. All of us are. Some people are more intuitive than others. It is a skill that can be developed through practice.

Intuitive communication and information can come through in a myriad of ways. Like the physical senses – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling — sensing or knowing (aka intuitive communication) is also one of the human senses. For me, the sixth sense is a bodily sensation or a feeling of deep knowing. With clients specifically, information comes into my brain and repeats until I acknowledge or convey the message. It could be literal words or an image or series of images.

Intuitive information can also come through outside sources like a song on the radio or an article in your feed. This information is usually accompanied by a deep knowing in the core of your being rather than in the mind.

And so, spirit babies are souls ready to be conceived and born. As described by Walter Makichen, the author of Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have, their presence “fills the room with a joyous animated energy that reminded me of children at play.”

This is my experience with spirit babies too, whether they are in their momma’s womb or still waiting to be conceived. Each one is highly animated and bursting at the seams with joy to be born. One even timed the blaring of “I want you back” by the Jackson 5 from a car stereo while in session with his mom-to-be. “Oh, baby, give me one more chance… to show you that I love you.”

During my own fertility journey, a spirit baby talked to me, completely out of the blue. I was walking to work. A pregnant woman passed me. And the soul of her baby spoke up so excitedly; I could hear it. This is the moment I learned of my gift to communicate with little ones coming into the world.

In prepping for this article, there was some specific information the spirit babies want you to know. Each one picks their parents very specifically and strategically. When fertility issues occur, it can mean their parents-to-be require additional experiences as a non-parent. Or it can mean the timing is not yet correct for their birth in terms of what their soul needs to accomplish during their life.

Much of the work I do with clients is around releasing energetic blocks from their energetic system—the chakras and auric field. This releases stress from the cells and creates the space for something new to happen. The energetic system can also hold trauma from past lives that needs to be resolved and released prior to conception.

In future articles, I will be exploring spirit babies in-depth in relation to fertility, miscarriage, and pregnancy.

* Exercise to Connect with Your Spirit Baby

Tapping into the unbridled enthusiasm of your spirit baby is a great way to quell the stress of poking, prodding and tests.

Sit quietly, take a series of deep breaths, and focus in on your heart center. Inhale love into the around your heart and exhale any stress or anxiety. Feel the stress and anxiety release from your cells. Continue to focus on your breath, allowing the space for your spirit baby to come forth. You may ‘see’ a bubble of light (think Glinda, the good witch form the Wizard of Oz) – it may be green or yellow or white. You may ‘hear’ a voice talking to you from your heart chakra. You may ‘feel’ a presence. Focus on the joyfulness. And feel, hear, or see what your spirit baby has to say.

I offer 45-minute phone and Skype sessions for questions about spirit babies or for those who want to deepen their relationship with theirs. Spirit Baby Sessions can be booked here:

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January 26, 2016
by suzanne
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January 26 Radio Show — Spirit Babies

Radio Show Spirit Babies


Update: The recording for this show can be found here.

Today at 4pm PST, I will be talking about Spirit Babies on my News for the Soul radio show.

The topic for Tuesday’s radio show on News for the Soul is Spirit Babies. A spirit baby is the soul of your baby-to-be. Just like you have a soul, so does your baby. It is our energetic essence that exists prior to and after life.

During my own fertility journey, a spirit baby spoke to me, completely out of the blue. I was walking to work and a pregnant woman passed me and the soul of her baby spoke up; so excited that I could hear it. This is when I learned that I had a gift to communicate with little ones coming into the world.

If you are trying to conceive or are pregnant, PM specific questions to be answered on the air or call 646-595-4274 on January 26 at 4pm PT to speak with me live on the air.



November 29, 2015
by suzanne
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5 Techniques for Stress-free Holidays

The holidays can be an especially hard time of year for folks due to the stress of trying to make the experience magical for family and friends. Managing our expectations and coping with the expectations of others is also a key component to burdensome stress.

Here are five techniques you can use to create stress-free holidays and alleviate over-commitment and added expectations of the season.

First, reflect on the holiday’s true meaning. What traditions truly resonate for you? Meaning that if this one thing did not occur, Thanksgiving or Hannakauh or Christmas would not be the same. What are those things that you absolutely love about <insert holiday>? Like what makes you giddy. What new traditions can you and your family start?

For me, the Thanksgiving meal can occur with any group of people — but it never really feels like Thanksgiving if I do not make my mother’s corn bread stuffing. There are lots of other foods particular to my family including sauerkraut and dashi, a Lithuanian sausage, that I can live without. It may be your family gathering together, voicing those things that you are grateful for in a religious or secular way, or playing football.

In terms of Christmas/Solstice, it’s all about bringing a tree into our home and decorating it with ornaments passed down in my family. We tried it one year without a tree. And where it was a good learning experience and decision at the time, no tree = no heart of the season of light. We do not have children or family nearby so it is also about solitude. I love the winter solstice as a time of reflection when the Northern Hemisphere is blanketed in darkness.

Take a few minutes now to tune-in to that core thing that makes your holiday truly yours.

And to explore this more in-depth, Hundred Dollar Holiday by Bill McKibben, is a great conversation starter with your family. His view may be a bit extreme though is helpful to hone in on what the holiday means to you and your family, the root meaning, and inform your traditions moving forward.

The second is to hold your loved ones in LOVE. I like to think of it as the bubble in which Glinda the Good Witch arrives in the Wizard of Oz. Think of each person and feel the warmth of love. Envision all your guests or the guests of the gathering that you are attending and hold that vision in the frequency of LOVE.

The Energetic Roots Grounding Meditation is a quick way to shift your energy or re-ground yourself during the holiday season and throughout the year. I recommend this 4 1/2 minute guided meditation to all my clients as it packs a calming wallop. Perfect to listen to just before exiting the car for a family gathering or before and after you entertain a group of folks. You will feel calm, centered, and full of renewed energy.

Create lists of what you are grateful for or that which you love. By writing down or reciting in your head those people, thing, places, interactions, and experiences which you love or feel gratitude for,  you shift your energetic frequency and feel better. Instead of listening to the news which is always about things that have gone wrong, why not try writing a list of things that have gone right throughout your day.

On my walk to work each day, I’ve taken up reciting a list in my head of all the things that I love along the way. It can include someone’s coat or the color of their hair or the glint of light or the color of the leaves or a passerby’s smile.

Take a change of plans in stride as it may just be a blessing in disguise. The holidays can add an extra layer of pressure given all the parties and obligations when what we need is a break. This happened to me and my husband this Thanksgiving as we were to spend the day with family that ended up not being able to make it due to weather. We were originally just going to bring a dish and ended up shopping and cooking a full meal ourselves. And it was exactly what I needed to do — cook.

Above all, have kindness and compassion for your self. If you need to cry, cry. If you need a time out, take it or a bath or a walk around the block. Maybe hug a tree. And if you have to tell someone you love them, do that too.


October 26, 2015
by suzanne
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Oct 27 Radio Show Guest: Sharlyn Hidalgo


It was my great pleasure to interview Sharlyn Hidalgo, a certified practitioner and teacher of Alchemical Healing through Nicki Scully as well as an astrologer, tarot reader, therapist, teacher, healer, artist and author.

She was my Alchemical Healing teacher and most notably taught me that the soul voice and fear-based ego voice can co-exist so one can accomplish the work they are meant to be doing no matter how far-flung it may seem.

Sharlyn has written two books The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar and most recently Nazmy – Love is my Religion: Egypt, Travel, and a Quest for Peace. This story is about the spiritual mentor and spiritual consciousness-raiser, Mohamed Nazmy, who uses his travel business in Egypt to bring people of the east and west together in friendship through spiritual pilgrimage.

We spoke on October 27 on Blog Talk Radio’s News For the Soul. You can listen to a recording of this show here.

October 12, 2015
by suzanne
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New Moon in Libra: Coming into Balance

Tonight is the New Moon in Libra at 5:06pm PT/8:06pm ET/12:06am GMT. It is all about relationships. Most importantly the relationship we have with ourselves. New Moons are the time to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle and beyond. For tonight in particular, it involves relationships.

Setting intentions plants the seeds of your life so that it unfolds in the direction that you want to go.

Today or tomorrow, set aside some time to meditate until you feel centered and grounded. The Energetic Roots Grounding Mediation is a great way to set the stage. After mediating, reflect on your relationships with yourself, others, things, home, money, and ways to bring more balance to those relationships.

Write three intentions for this new moon cycle — focus on balance and those things that bring wholeness to your life.

Setting intentions is a very personal process. Each of us is unique and thinks and sees the world in different ways. It is always better to keep them more general than dictating exactly how you see your life morphing and shifting. The Universe likes to have the leeway to create shifts as it sees fit.

If you need direction on how to set your intentions, post in the comments below.

xo, s