Suzanne Ragan Lentz

luminary for emergence

This Present Moment

I am 2 hours and 54 minutes into my 4th 24-hour cycle of being sick in my biscuit (aka bed). It has been years and years since a virus has taken me out like this… when the only thing you can do is be in the present moment.

On Sunday, it was about just going to bed.

Monday brought this amazing and simple tomato soup non-recipe into our lives… my person made it and we already had all the ingredients at home except the onion. Yesterday, I added black-eyed peas to it for lunch and today also added rice.

Yesterday, the present moment was, like, you need to take a mustard bath ASAP. And, no, I’ve never taken one before but my body was all about creating a temperature that was inhospitable to whatever virus has taken up residence. Mustard baths are used to detox the body and in the treatment of  respiratory illnesses. The mustard is warming to the body; opening pores and the circulatory system to rid the body of toxins.

Thanks to the internet, I readily found a recipe (baking soda, powered mustard, plus some essential oils), had everything in-house, mixed it together, and took a bath. I immediately felt better and then worse, and stayed in my biscuit for the rest of the day.

And today brought about wearing pants. Actual, honest to god, pants. I had been wearing pajama pants for the last two days but today… I just could’t do it for another day in a row.

There were also conversations with three friends (two also fighting viruses, one not) and writing this post about just being in the present moment. Because when in the present moment, that intuitive pull (aka gut feeling, intuition) is stronger making it that much easier to follow the thread that leads to your needs, wants, and desires in which your individual life blooms.

What has your gut feeling been telling you to do that you’ve been ignoring?

Mine has been telling me to write. Hence the upside to being sick as my brain has checked out and cannot question anything.

I’d love to read your response in the comments below.

xoxo, s